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This table indicates the number of clock periods for the shift and rotate
instructions. The number of read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis
as (r/w). The number of clock periods and the number of read and write
cycles must be added respectively to those of the effective address
calculation where indicated.
Shift/Rotate Instruction Execution Times
instruction size register memory
ASR,ASL byte,word 6+2n(1/0) 8(1/1) +
long 8+2n(1/0) -
LSR,LSL byte,word 6+2n(1/0) 8(1/1) +
long 8+2n(1/0) -
ROR,ROL byte,word 6+2n(1/0) 8(1/1) +
long 8+2n(1/0) -
ROXR,ROXl byte,word 6+2n(1/0) 8(1/1) +
long 8+2n(1/0) -
+ add effective address calculation time
n is the shift or rotate count