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NAME   rev ADDR type chip Description
STREQU    038   S    D    Strobe for horiz sync with VB (vert blank) and EQU
STRVBL    038   S    D    Strobe for horiz sync with VB
STRHOR    03C   S    D P  Strobe for horiz sync
STRLONG h 03E   S    D    Strobe for identification of long horiz line (228CC)

	  One of the first 3 strobe addresses above, it is
	  placed on the RGA bus during the first refresh time
	  slot of every other line, to identify lines with
	  long counts (228- NTSC, HTOTAL+2- VARBEAMEN=1
	  hires chips only).There are 4 refresh time slots
	  and any not used for strobes will leave a null
	  (1FE) address on the RGA bus.